Monday, July 6, 2009

(0 unread) Yahoo!7 Mail, junkiesagainstc

(0 unread) Yahoo!7 Mail, junkiesagainstc: "you are like all goverment departments a complete waste of time .my eldest is 13 going on fourteen and i havent seen him since he was 2 and a half when your crooked police department let the mother illeagaly cross state borders whilst there was an acsess order pending in the courts same with my second child who is twelve and my third was kiddnaped in a fraudulen court case with DoCS as a payback by corrupt coppers for my work as an advocate for human rights for amphetimine addicts that your government treats as slaves .and also my internet acsess is blocked by the same crooked cops so i cant email any one to complain about the misery you pack of know it alls inflict on people you deny political reperesentation toif this is democracy give me anarchy .ps. it has never been proved to me any of these kids are mine but that is obviously somthing you people have scant regard to you have the power to steal my money before i sewe it and clicking your web address dosnt take me there why not fucking send the mail to my email since you have the address.if brains were dynamite you lot couldnt blow your nose.yours with loathing and contempt the motorcycle messiah.

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Sent: Tuesday, 21 April, 2009 5:57:27 PM
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