Wednesday, March 24, 2010

this is one of my websites that your probably not allowed to see

well i have spent many futile years trying to scream for help as the government murders my people with police psuedo watch and the only hand i got from the government was the one over my mouth to keep me silent when the truth comes out i shall insist that these murderers face trial for war crimes in this insane drug war on the poor and they should all take note of the nuringberg war crimes trial that just obeying orders is no defence for doing things you know to be moraly wrong.i would be delighted to act as prosicuter when we eventualy find someone to listen to us but i dont know if i will live that long with the poison we are being sold by these murders

in reference to: Site Sharing (wwwjunkiesagainstcrime) (view on Google Sidewiki)

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